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In my current OpenERP project all products have three part numbers - the customer's part number, the OEM part number and our internal part number. I was able to add another field for the OEM part number via a custom module without issue, but was wondering if it is possible to make that field searchable from the default search under Products, without having to select 'OEM Part Number' in Advanced Search. I thought it might have something to do with adding 'select=True' in the column definition, but that didn't seem to work. It would be even better if that field was also an option when entering the product name into a Sales Order. Thanks!

Best Answer

The search view has an XML definition, and you need to add the name of the field to it, the same way you added the new field to the XML definition of the form (or tree) view of products.

Look for product.product_search_form_view, inherit and add your new field:

<field name="YOUR_NEW_FIELD"/>


That was very helpful, Ray, thanks.

Yes in did.

Any tips on how to get custom fields in the "Advance Search" under the "Reporting" menu?

Author Best Answer

Hi Sudarsan, not sure what your level of familiarity is with custom openerp modules, but here is what my code looks like to inherit the product search form:

    <record id="product_search_form_view" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="model">product.product</field>
<field name="inherit_id" ref="product.product_search_form_view"/>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<search string="Product">
<field name="x_EC_num"/>
<field name="x_cust_desc"/>
<field name="x_cust_num"/>

Best Answer

How to Inherit the product serch form.I tried but Iam not getting result .Iam Sudarsan new to Odoo. Any vedio is there to help for these process


Added an answer with my code, hope that helps.