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2 Replies

Hello forks,

Could someone help me correct this onchange code. I have a predefined values with different datatype. My code works fine if result value and predefined value are float datatype. But when inputted value is outside float i get an error.

Expected result values are float, integer, char, text.

How can i make it to work? Below is my onchange code

@api.onchange('normal_range', 'result')
def onchange_result(self):
    if self.normal_range:
        no1,no2 = self.normal_range.split('-')
        if self.result:
            if float(self.result) >= float(no1) and float(self.result) <= float(no2):
                self.remark = 'Normal'
            elif float(self.result) <= float(no1):
                self.remark = 'Below'
            elif float(self.result) >= float(no2):
                self.remark = 'Above'


please share the error here and try doing debuging and urself u can find the answer,

and if your inputs are in digits python have no trouble making it to float

Best Answer

Try to use is instance function of python. which help you to check data type.
