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How can I override email template?

In my case, I need to change invitation email template. I'm found set_password_email view in auth_signup module, but I want to keep originaly file. Template is not contain <field name="arch" type="xml"> section:

        <!-- Email template for new users -->
        <record id="set_password_email" model="email.template">
            <field name="name">OpenERP Enterprise Connection</field>
            <field name="model_id" ref="base.model_res_users"/>
            <field name="email_from"><![CDATA[${} <${}>]]></field>
            <field name="email_to">${}</field>
            <field name="subject"><![CDATA[${} invitation to connect on OpenERP]]></field>
            <field name="body_html">
                        You have been invited to connect to "${}" in order to get access to your documents in OpenERP.
                        To accept the invitation, click on the following link:
                        <li><a href="${object.signup_url}">Accept invitation to "${}"</a></li>
${ or ''}
${ or ''}
${ or ''}