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I have a need for a one2one relationship between project.project and crm.lead and display the link in each object's form view. I have put my many2one field into crm.lead and added it to the Opportunity Form View. I now need to do the same thing to the Project Form View, but the only way I can get that relationship to display is by using a one2many field in project.project. I saw in other forum posts that _inherits need to be set, however when I do that and put the field in my view I get "Automatically created field to link to..." in the label section and no value.

Has anyone successfully created this one2one relationship with links in the object views?

Author Best Answer

The closest I came to achieving this was adding a many2one field on crm.lead and a functional field on project.project that returns the corresponding crm.lead (if there is one).


I'm having a similar problem and cannot find the answer. my model has a many2one field to a related "category" model. On the form this field shows up as "model.category id" since it doesn't have a name field. So I write my own name_get function and now have my derived name on the form and it links to the category instance like before. However, now when I edit the form and change the category record instead of the id being sent back for the onchange event I get the derived name now. Source on the form page shows no value attribute on the <option> tags. And my name_get returns (, name).

Best Answer


I am unsure if it helps, but you can inherit from another model in a way that it the second model is one to one in embedded with the first. Your DB has two tables, but the view treats them as one. I am unsure if there is actually a link back from the inheretid model, but I think this is what is done with res_user vs res_partner... the user iniherits and actually creates a res_partner.

See in:

The heading Polymorphic data using _inherits

Not exactly one2one, but might still be what you need.
