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Some users have outsourced salespeople which not necessarily will be Odoo users. In order to keep track of the sales done by outside salespeople, creating a portal user for them and assigning them to sales orders is a good workaround

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Activate Developer Mode.

Go to sales.order, form view.

Click on the bug right next to your user on the top right of the screen > Edit View: Form

Go to Inherited Views >  go to the Odoo Studio view (or create a new inherited view):

Add this xpath to change the domain of the field user_id :


<xpath expr="//field[@name='user_id']" position="attributes">

<attribute name="domain">["|",["groups_id","in",23],["groups_id","in",8]]</attribute>


Make sure that you are adding the groups_id for the group “Portal” and “User: Own Documents Only” (from Sales). This can vary according to each database.
