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6 Replies

Hi how can i use onchange to change the domain of an already existing field. For example, if i want to make it so that when i select a vendor to create a purchase order the list of products i can choose is restricted to those that share a value with the vendor

def onchange_product_list(self):
return {'domain': {'product_id': [('partner_id.supplier_code', '=', 'self.sup_product_code')]}}

This is what i have so far

Using Odoo v11


I'm facing the same issue but I couldn't understand the solution

How do you solve it?

Best Answer

Hello Leke,

Please try the following code in xml for product_id field 

inherit and update the existing domain

domain_new = old_domain + [('sup_product_code','=',parent.supplier_code)]

<field name="product_id' domain="domain_new"/>

before this add new field on Purchase Order supplier_code and update this field on partner onchange function.


I couldn't understand,

In where we add this: domain_new = old_domain + [('sup_product_code','=',parent.supplier_code)]

Could you please explain more

Thanks in advance

Best Answer

Apply a domain to the field which is in the purchase.order.line as follows:

return {'domain': {'product_id': [('partner_id.supplier_code''='self.order_id.sup_product_code)]}}

* here order_id is just an example . You have to mention many2one field in purchase.order.line containing object purchace.order . 

Best Answer

Try this: 

return {'domain': {'product_id': [('partner_id.supplier_code', '=', self.sup_product_code)]}}

without quotes. I think everything else is correct


Hi Denis. My onchange method is in the purchase.order object however the field im trying to apply the domain to is in the purchase.order.line object how would i do this?