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2 Replies


am developing a module that manages members of an association and their loans . and i wanted to create a smart button that shows all loans linked to a member . i have created the button but when i click on it it does not show a list of the loans . would appreciate any guidance i can get .

members model 

from odoo import models, fields, api

class ranchy_members(models.Model):
_name = 'members.ranchy'
_rec_name = 'member_firstname'

member_id = fields.Id
member_firstname = fields.Char(string="Name")
member_lastname = fields.Char(string="Name of father/husband")
member_addresss = fields.Char(string="Residential Address")
add_permanent = fields.Char(string="Pemanent Address")
business_addresss = fields.Char(string="Business Address")
member_phone = fields.Char(string="phone number")
member_pic = fields.Binary("image", help="select image here")
member_age = fields.Char(string="Age")
marital_status = fields.Selection(
[('Single','Single'), ('married','married'),('divorced','Divorced'),('widow','widow')],
'Marital status')
education = fields.Selection(
[('none','None'), ('primary','Primary'),('secondary','Secondary'),('tertiary','Tertiary')],
'Formal Education')
next_kin = fields.Char(string="Next of Kin Name")
kin_phone = fields.Char(string="Next of Kin Phone")
memberof = fields.Many2one('corps.ranchy',string="name of group")
business_type = fields.Char(string="Type of Business")
business_period = fields.Char(string="How long in business")
average_income = fields.Char(string="Average monthly income")
loan_ids = fields.One2many('', 'member_ids', string='Loans')
loan_id = fields.Many2one('', compute='_compute_loan_id', string='Current Loan', help='Latest loan of member')
loan_count = fields.Integer(compute='_compute_loan_count', string='Loans')

def _compute_loan_id(self):
""" get the lastest loan """
Loan = self.env['']
for member in self:
member.loan_id =[('member_ids', '=',], order='date_start desc', limit=1)

def _compute_loan_count(self):
# read_group as sudo, since contract count is displayed on form view
loan_data = self.env[''].sudo().read_group([('member_ids', 'in', self.ids)], ['member_ids'], ['member_ids'])
result = dict((data['member_ids'][0], data['member_ids_count']) for data in loan_data)
for member in self:
member.loan_count = result.get(, 0)
loans model

class ranchy_loans(models.Model):
_name = ''
_inherit = ['mail.thread', 'ir.needaction_mixin']

state = fields.Selection([
('new', 'New Apllication'),
('awaiting', 'awaiting approval'),
('approve', 'awaiting disbursement'),
('disburse', 'disbursed/repayment'),
('paid', 'paid'),
#This function is triggered when the user clicks on the button 'Set to concept'
def concept_progressbar(self):
'state': 'awaiting',
#This function is triggered when the user clicks on the button 'Set to started'
def approved_progressbar(self):
'state': 'approve'
#This function is triggered when the user clicks on the button 'In progress'
def disburse_progressbar(self):
'state': 'disburse'
#This function is triggered when the user clicks on the button 'Done'
def paid_progressbar(self):
'state': 'paid',
loan_id = fields.Id
currency_id = fields.Many2one(
'res.currency', string='Currency')
total_repayments = fields.Monetary(
'Total Repayments',
# optional: currency_field='currency_id',
amount_disburse = fields.Monetary(
# optional: currency_field='currency_id',
amount_applied = fields.Monetary(
'Amount applied for',
# optional: currency_field='currency_id',
amount_approved = fields.Monetary(
'Amount approved',
# optional: currency_field='currency_id',
amount_balance = fields.Monetary(
# optional: currency_field='currency_id',
last_loan = fields.Monetary(
'last loan recieved amount',
# optional: currency_field='currency_id',
date_payed = fields.Date('Date loan was fully paid')
date_disburse = fields.Date('Date')
member_ids = fields.Many2one(
'members.ranchy', string='Member',
# optional:
stage = fields.Selection(
[('1st','First'), ('2nd','Second'),('3rd','third')],
installments = fields.Selection(
[('23','23'), ('20','20'),('18','18')],
'number of installments')
date_firstinstall = fields.Date('Date of first installment')
date_finalinstall = fields.Date('Date of last installment')
any_family = fields.Boolean('Is any family member of yours registered with the group')
if_true = fields.Char('If true mention name')
or_reg = fields.Boolean('Or registered in any other group of ranchi empowerment centre')
indebted = fields.Boolean('Are you indebted to any otherMFB/MFI')
if_true2 = fields.Char('If true Name')
if_true3 = fields.Char('Outstanding Balance')
<?xml version="1.0"?>

<act_window id="ranchy.action_window" res_model="members.ranchy" name="ranchy" view_mode="tree,form"/>

<menuitem action="ranchy.action_window" name="ranchy" id="ranchy.menu_root" groups="base.group_user" sequence ="450"/>
<menuitem action="ranchy.action_window" name="Members" id="ranchy.members" parent="ranchy.menu_root" sequence="1"/>

<record id= "ranchy_members_template_form_view" model= "ir.ui.view">
<field name="priority" eval="15"/>
<field name="model">members.ranchy</field >
<field name="arch" type= "xml">

<button type="action" class="oe_right oe_stat_button"
icon="fa-pencil-square-o" align="right" name="%(action_all_loans)d" >
<field name="loan_count" widget="statinfo"/>
<field name="member_pic" widget='image' />
<field name="member_firstname"/>
<field name="member_lastname"/>
<page string="Contact Information">
<field name="member_addresss"/>
<field name="add_permanent"/>
<field name="business_addresss"/>
<field name="member_phone"/>
<page string="Member Data">
<field name="member_age"/>
<field name="marital_status"/>
<field name="education"/>
<field name="next_kin"/>
<field name="kin_phone"/>
<page string="union and Business Information">
<field name="memberof"/>
<field name="business_type"/>
<field name="business_period"/>
<field name="average_income"/>




<record model="ir.actions.act_window" id="action_all_loans">
<field name="name">All Loans</field>
<field name="model"></field>
<field name="view_mode">tree,form,search</field>
<field name="context">{'search_default_member_ids': [active_id],'default_member_ids': active_id}</field>
<field name="domain">[('loan_ids', '=', active_id)]</field>

<record id="loans_all_members" model="ir.ui.view">
<field name="name">All Loans</field>

<field name="model"></field>
<field name="arch" type="xml">
<tree string="Payments">


<record id="action_all_members_form"
<field name="act_window_id" ref="action_all_loans"/>
<field name="view_id" ref="loans_all_members" />
<field name="view_mode">tree</field>
<field name="sequence">10</field>
Best Answer


use store = True in computed fields.

Best Answer

Hello! I think your problem is in the definition of your action 'action_to_all_loans': the domain is not correct it should be [('member_ids','=',active_id)] because according to your definition member_ids is the inverse field of the One2many relation.

And I think you dont need to add 'search_default_member_ids': [active_id]  in the context if you are already applying a domain on member_ids....
