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4 Replies

 I have a situations where the exchange rates differ from customers to customers (i.e. we agreed to accept different rates for customers; For Customer A the rate may be x.x2 and for customer the rate may be x.x1 for the same type of currency. How do I deal with those situations?

Best Answer

Not a good business practice but exact answer to your desired way of doing ( using currency rate ) would be to use two currencies like USD and USD. and get two different rates from each of the currencies.

My take on your requirement is:

Odoo way of segregating pricing from one customer to another is using pricelist and so any such differential pricing per customer segment should be dealt with using pricelists, to be inline with the realms of the software.

So even if you are going for some custom modification for your requirement try to do it at the pricelist level rather than at the currency rates.

Vishal Ratani

skype: vishal.ratani

Best Answer

Same in put as Vishal Ratani,
2 Currencies

Best Answer

We have dealt with this for a client by adding exchange rate to the invoice model. If specified, this rate is then used to convert the invoice into local currency in the GL.

Best Answer

I think the odoo pricelists may help you with some modifications.

Have a look here


Hilar AK,

Thanks for your comment. But I don't want to change the sales price. Just the exchange rate. For example, the price for both customer A and B are the same price. But when we receive a payment from both Customer A and B on the same day, we want to offer different exchange rate. i.e For Customer A, the exchange rate is 1.56 and for customer B, the exchange rate is 1.59. (in the example, the currencies involved are irrelevant. the point is the rates are different).

Yes as I mentioned, you should customize