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Hi everybody

I've done some personal translations in Odoo and after I saved one something 'glitched' and sent me to the login page.
Ever since that happend I get the following error message:

The message only appears when I search on the translated field email.template,body_html under translated expressions.
Can anybody tell me why this happens or how I can fix this? I need to access that translation again.


Best Answer

If you have access to the database, that would be your best bet I suppose. The translations can be found under ir_translate, where you can search for the translated term. Just throw the translated record away and see what that does for you.


Do you mean to open the database through pgadmin or through Odoo? Because through Odoo it will not work anyways. Could you explain me in big lines how to find and throw away the record that is troubling me?

That is indeed what I meant. This is under the assumption that the said translation is indeed the root cause of the problem. Once connected to your database (for example usig pgadmin), do a select query on the ir_translate table. For example: "select * from ir_translate order by id desc limit 50" (limit in case you know the translation was part of the 50 last records you created). Find the presumable guilty record's id and run the following query; delete from ir_translate where id = $your_id_here;.


What would be the easiest way to do this if you do not have pgadmin on your Ubuntu but only have postgreSQL 9.3 on the instance then? If I know this I'll try it out and then I'll accept the answer as this *should* fix my problems. Could you also tell me the cause of why this triggers the AccessError?

You can always use "psql" on the command line. This is default (I believe) and comes with the postgres package on Ubuntu. You can enter the same SQL commands in psql as you would in pgadmin.