required these for website ( 2 requirements ) in Signup Form:
i have added a field "zone_id" in model "res.users" and Signup Form (website) which will select zone. I want to show another field value "zone_status" ( a Selection field ) with the name of zone, like below:
Zone1 - Active
Zone2 - Active
Zone3 - InActive
how it can be done? AND also need guide to show Man2one field rows to select from list as normally in odoo's own UI it shows automatically but not in website page/form.
currently i have it as Text, how to modify it to behave/show as Many2one field:
<div class="form-group field-zone_id">
<label for="zone_id">Your Zone</label>
<input type="text" name="zone_id" id="zone_id" class="form-control form-control-sm"/>
how i can get response / answer ?