When I try to add a button with loop action in the tree view I get this error :
ValueError: "name 'records' is not defined" while evaluating u'for rec in records:\n\t\t\t\t\trec.action_update_period_loop()'
and here the source :
<record id="action_update_period" model="ir.actions.server"> <field name="name">mettre à jour la periode</field> <field name="model_id" ref="account.model_account_payment"/> <field name="state">code</field> <field name="code"> for rec in records: rec.action_update_period_loop() </field> </record> <record id="ir_update_period" model="ir.values"> <field eval="'client_action_multi'" name="key2"/> <field eval="'account.payment'" name="model"/> <field name="name">mettre à jour la periode</field> <field eval="'ir.actions.server,%d'%action_update_period" name="value"/> </record>
please help me fix this error and thanks in advance