I get this message when i try to view company details, after closing it all becomes normal. I can't find a field for this name 'street2'. Something tells me that there is a field at form, that we can use for adding additional info for an adress of company. But i can't find it. Any suggestions about it?
please post your code
What code do you mean? It's a standart module - Purchases i.e. When i try to view a Supplier details i get this message.
if it is a standard module, how did you install openERP? It might be a bug, update to the latest version of openERP and see if that makes the problem go away.
Patently, thank you for your answer. Now i got last nightly version, tried to use latest stable version and there was the same problem. Screenshot - h**p://s2.ipicture.ru/uploads/20130924/W0eLRJSu.png
To find the field 'street2' you have to go in the form that notify the error and passed into developer mode (click on the drop down in the top-right of the window -> About Odoo -> Activate developer mode) then a new drop down field appear in the top center of ur window. Click on modify the FormView and FINALLY you will find easily any field you look for in this Form.