Hello, I have found something "strange"(or not)
when I trying to use subprocess in openerp for a java call I always encounter a JVM error with memory limit issue.
this post probably have the same thing :
It's code like that :
proc = subprocess.Popen(['java', '-jar', 'myJar.jar', args1, args2])
and my error was:
'Error occurred during initialization of VM\nCould not reserve enough space for object heap\n'
'Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine.\nError: A fatal exception has occurred. Program will exit.\n'
I use the worker option when I run openerp. I delete this option and now my call workfine.
So I think this is a limitation from python thread or System to limit the memory for thread...
I don't know if it's this but, it make sense for me.
Did someone know something about this ?
Thanks clement