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I want to change the timesheet grid so the lines are sorted in alphabetical order according to the project name.

I already tried to order the records by adding this :

_order = 'project_id asc'

But it gives a weird sorting where the lines which have a timesheet on monday are sorted correctly, and THEN the lines which have a timesheet on tuesday BUT NOT ON MONDAY are sorted correctly, and then the lines which have a timesheet on wednesday BUT NOT ON MONDAY OR TUESDAY, etc.

I would like to get a global sort of all the lines, without being dependent of the timesheet entries.

Edit : Here's a picture of what kind of sorting I get :

(Project names are confidential, but each "group of lines" you can identify on the picture is ordered in alphabetical order)

Best Answer

Try this

1. add a related field on timesheet entries model 

project_name = fields.Char(string="Project Name", related="",store=True)

2. add this after _inherit descriptor

_order = "project_name asc"
