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I am trying to categorize something using Roman numerals from I to VI and use those to group_by in kanban and tree view. However sorting happens in alphabetical order.

I tried use a selection field, but the classification depicted by the Roman numeral is computed and needs to be assigned in python.

I tried storing the index of the list item, tuples and a dictionary but I cannot get it to work. I am not sure which value needs to be stored in the database to represent the correct selection.

I would also be open to different approaches.


rating = fields.Selection( # Selection field?

@api.depends('probability', 'impact')
def _compute_rating(self):
for risk in self:
risk.probclass = risk.probability + risk.impact

risk.risk_history = True

if risk.probability == 50:
risk.rating = 5
elif risk.probclass in (31,42,41):
risk.rating = 4
elif risk.probclass in (21,32,43):
risk.rating = 3
elif risk.probclass in (11,22,33,44):
risk.rating = 2
elif risk.probclass in (12,23,34):
risk.rating = 1
elif risk.probclass in (14,13,24):
risk.rating = 0
