When we confirm a sale.order, That's create mrp.production
I'm looking for odoo code where this mrp.production is created because i need to update this code.
Is anybody knows where it's done ?
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When we confirm a sale.order, That's create mrp.production
I'm looking for odoo code where this mrp.production is created because i need to update this code.
Is anybody knows where it's done ?
This is the create function inside the model 'mrp.production'
def create(self, values):
if not values.get('name', False) or values['name'] == _('New'):
picking_type_id = values.get('picking_type_id') or self._get_default_picking_type()
picking_type_id = self.env['stock.picking.type'].browse(picking_type_id)
if picking_type_id:
values['name'] = picking_type_id.sequence_id.next_by_id()
values['name'] = self.env['ir.sequence'].next_by_code('mrp.production') or _('New')
if not values.get('procurement_group_id'):
procurement_group_vals = self._prepare_procurement_group_vals(values)
values['procurement_group_id'] = self.env["procurement.group"].create(procurement_group_vals).id
production = super(MrpProduction, self).create(values)
(production.move_raw_ids | production.move_finished_ids).write({
'group_id': production.procurement_group_id.id,
'origin': production.name
production.move_raw_ids.write({'date': production.date_planned_start})
production.move_finished_ids.write({'date': production.date_planned_finished})
# Trigger move_raw creation when importing a file
if 'import_file' in self.env.context:
return production
Hi Odoophile for your answer.
In all that code, i don't understand where Odoo create mrp.production lines from sale.order.line ?
Can you help me to understand?
Maybe i found something.
If i browse move_raw_ids, i can go up to stock.move and then, with sale_line_id, i can go up to sale.order.line
I will try that
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