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2 Replies

I use report parser, as mentioned in this post :

but I get error, like this..
Can someone tell me solution for this, please...

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/wks/odoo/odoo10/odoo/addons/base/ir/ir_qweb/", line 315, in _compiled_fn
    return compiled(self, append, values, options, log)
  File "<template>", line 1, in template_768_167
  File "<template>", line 9, in foreach_166
  File "/wks/odoo/odoo10/addons/hasilmancing/models/", line 21, in _get_catatan_slip_gaji
    field = self.pool.get('hm_setting')._fields['catatan_slip_gaji']
AttributeError: 'hm_report_parser' object has no attribute 'pool'

Error to render compiling AST
AttributeError: 'hm_report_parser' object has no attribute 'pool'
Template: 768
Path: /templates/t/div/t/div/div[12]/i/span
Node: <span t-esc="_get_catatan_slip_gaji()"/>

Hi Eries, in the given link it is of v9 and below, as you are using the Odoo v10> you can easily create parser file by checking this link,,

If you want to go in same way, please add the code in question so that it can be easily traced out


@Niyas Raphy thanx for reply, I tried it, but no luck, PDF has generated, but no content, blank white only...

this is my code..

from odoo import api, models

class hm_report_parser(models.AbstractModel):

_name = 'report.hasilmancing.pay_slip_report_template'

_template = 'hasilmancing.pay_slip_report_template'


def render_html(self, docids, data=None):

report_obj = self.env['report']

report = report_obj._get_report_from_name(self._template)

docargs = {

'doc_ids': docids,

'doc_model': 'report.hm_payroll_driver',

'docs': self,

'_get_catatan_slip_gaji': self._get_catatan_slip_gaji


# return report_obj.render('hasilmancing.pay_slip_report_template', docargs)

return report_obj.render(self._template, docargs)

def _get_catatan_slip_gaji(self):

return 'Report Parser for get catatan method'

Author Best Answer

@Niyas Raphy thanx for reply, I tried it, but no luck, PDF has generated, but no content, blank white only...
this is my code..

from odoo import api, models

class hm_report_parser(models.AbstractModel):
    _name = 'report.hasilmancing.pay_slip_report_template'
    _template = 'hasilmancing.pay_slip_report_template'
    def render_html(self, docids, data=None):
        report_obj = self.env['report']
        report = report_obj._get_report_from_name(self._template)
        docargs = {
            'doc_ids': docids,
            'doc_model': 'report.hm_payroll_driver',
            'docs': self,
            '_get_catatan_slip_gaji': self._get_catatan_slip_gaji
        # return report_obj.render('hasilmancing.pay_slip_report_template', docargs)
        return report_obj.render(self._template, docargs)

    def _get_catatan_slip_gaji(self):


can you show the template ?


this is the template,

thanx for reply..