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How does it work? Which URLs can I redirect?

I would like to move my website over to Odoo without disrupting any visitors using URL's already known by and ranked by Search Engines.  I don't want to lose any daily traffic after I switch and would like to manage this without too much manual work.

I was told I should do an "SEO Migration" to transfer search engine ranking, authority and indexing signals. How does this work? 

Does it have anything to do with the  .htaccess  file? 



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Author Best Answer

For background on how you can plan a site move, see

In Odoo:

1. Activate Developer [debug] mode 

2. Visit > Website App --> Configuration --> Redirects


Used to point your old URL to a new page in order to redirect anyone who clicks on the old URL to the new one. It is useful to keep the value of the old URL (SEO) and to guarantee a good user experience.

Kinds of URLs

  • Pages: static pages on the website which are not related to the backend (ex: /home, /contactus, …)

  • Views: dynamic pages, display information from the backend and related to a module (ex: /shop, /partners, /events, etc.)

  • Nonexistent : URL which are not related to specific pages of your website (ex: /test, /idontexist)

  • External: from another domain (ex:, etc)

Kinds of redirects

  • 301 move permanently: A browser redirects to the new URL and remembers this new URL. Search engines update their links to the resource.

  • 302 move temporarily: A browser redirects to the new URL BUT doesn’t remember this new URL. Search engines assume that the old URL will be used again at a later date.

  • 308 rewrite/redirect: Used if you want to rename a controller with a new URL (ex: /shop becomes /magasin, both are accessible but /shop will automatically be redirected to /magasin) 

  • 404 not found: used if you want to remove a specific page/controller (ex : ecommerce is installed but you don’t want /shop on a specific website)


[301][302] Allow to redirect only unpublished pages or nonexistent URLs to another URL (pages, views, nonexistent urls, or external URLs)

[301][302] If you want to redirect to an external URL, pay attention to add the protocol at the beginning of the URL (ex: from /test to

[301][302] If you want to redirect a view or an existing page to another URL, you first need to create a [404] action that removes your view or to unpublish your page before creating the [301] or [302] redirection. Instead of creating a [404] action to remove the view, you can also delete the module from your DB.


Trying to redirect a Category Page to a Web Page I created and Odoo can't do it. Apparently you have to Unpublish a page first before redirecting it. Can't do that with Categories? Another flaw with Odoo? What is common sense in other platforms, Odoo misses the mark again. Other platforms gives us the ability to easily redirect a internal URL (no matter what it is) to another.


If you want to redirect a category page to another page, you have different options depending on your use case:
- You don't want to use this category anymore and you want to remove it from your website.
=> You can delete the category from the backend and create your 301 redirect
- You want to keep the category as an ecommerce filter but you don't want to display the content of this page
=> This is not standard because the redirects are only used to redirect broken pages. A page redirect doesn't work if the URL still loads a published web page.
BUT if you still want to do it, you can add this code:

<meta t-if="request.httprequest.path == '/shop/category/desks-1'" http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=/shop/category/drawers-4" />

in the web.frontend_layout view
This code redirects /shop/category/desk-1 to /shop/category/drawers-4