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3 Replies

Today is an everyday thing to ask prices or close a purchase using chat. Will this module be prepared to also handle the conversation with suppliers? Or will be an easy thing to extend the module to do that using the conversation in the bottom of, for example, a purchase quote?

Best Answer

Hi Nicolas,

I think you are asking about live chat feature on supplier side? Live chat service works on websites. If supplier added live chat feature on website, Any visitors of supplier's website can chat with supplier.

If you are asking about where should add live chat button, I suggest to add it on side bar or header of website. Live chat is the most easiest way of communication so it should be found by website visitors in first look.

Try well know Live2Support live chat on your website.

Best Answer

Yes it does. But you are referring to several different things:

  • Live Chat: It is a little icon or tab that you have on your website to allow visitors to talk to you. It is available in OpenERP and you could imagine having this on a website where your suppliers typically come to. The person in your company who will reply to them will be an OpenERP user using the instant messaging (IM) and replying to anonymous people (because they are just visitors). The module controlling this is called im_livechat.
  • IM: If your suppliers are accessing your OpenERP instance typically as portal users, they can have access to the IM tool and chat with the people available. In that case, they are not anonymous people because they are users in your OpenERP instance but with a restricted access (typically). The module controlling this is called im.
  • OpenChatter: This is the communication tool at the bottom of every document in OpenERP. It sends notifications and/or emails to people who are followers of this particular document. Notifications are messages in the Messaging App of OpenERP and can also be forwarded to the email of a user based on its preferences. OpenChatter allows to log notes as well as sending messages to followers. Followers don't necessarily have to be users of your OpenERP instance; they can be any contact or company in your address book (customers, suppliers,...). OpenChatter catches emails back and forth between the parties involved and the followers (prospect and salesperson in opportunities, client and responsible in tasks, supplier and buyer in purchase orders,...) and keep that history at the bottom of the corresponding document. The module controlling this is called mail.

Now you can decide what works best for you.
Finally, all this is currently working in v7 on the SaaS, so you should use the present tense.


How can I enable live chat and IM in v7? I was understanding that was a v8 feature.

To be clear, it is actually not available on v7 but it is available on OpenERP Online which runs a v7 with additional features. It will be available in v8 though. If you have an OpenERP Online instance, install the modules I have indicated: im and im_livechat.

I don't understand what you mean it's not available? Do you mean it's only available as part of your cloud service? I ask because I have the cloud service and have installed this module and it works just fine for me. Unless I'm not understanding you correctly.

To put it simply, it is not available in v7.0 (which is the downloadable version), but it is available in v7.2 (which is the version of the cloud).

Oh is there a reason? I had the cloud service but have to migrate to my own server due to the lack of customization on cloud. So now I'm going to lose a useful feature in order to have the ability to add modules to my installation.

In software development, adding/removing/changing features in a stable version is not recommended. See OpenERP's release policy:

Really I understand how the development cycle works. I am a developer, I just don't do server admin. But you're saying either a) the cloud is using unstable code and you're selling customers something that isn't production ready, or b) you just haven't bothered to update your "stable" version for everyone to download.

No, it's more complicated. The reason for this is because OpenERP Enterprise only covers LTS versions for on-premise deployments and latest stable minor versions for SaaS instances because we cannot support an unlimited number of versions (no vendor does). Both these versions are stable but we can more easily migrate SaaS instance because they are in a contained and controlled environment (our cloud) that doesn't allow atypical customizations making upgrades complicated. So, for on-premise instances, the last 3 LTS's are covered (7.0, 6.0, 5.0) which is about 4 years of support.

And for SaaS users, they follow the latest stable minor versions (just like any SaaS btw. eg: gmail, eventbrite,...). If you really want to download the latest SaaS version on premise, it's available, but not supported on premise.

Ok. I'll download the SaaS version then since this is a really useful tool that everyone wants, but I still need to be able to customize my instance. Thanks for the info.

Well if you do that, you are going to be stuck forever in that version and the day we release the CMS, ecommerce,... I can tell you you will want it. You should rather stick to v7.0 and use an xmpp client in the meantime as an alternative.

lol. I will want a CMS and eCommerce...I didn't know you would be releasing such things. I'd love to know more about it; however, I'm afraid we've already bogged this thread down with this discussion. Is there a way you could email me a URL for more info on all of that?

Best Answer

Yep, that is right. Through live chat, the sales conversion in website could also increase. I accidentally came across inside, and after looking through their site, it morphs a business website into a virtual storefront so business personnel can see and help their site visitors in real-time using chat.
