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I have a problem because when I create a field in sale.order.line model. This field does not appear in the database Postgresql when I make a query in sale_order_line.

This is the statement I created field in the model sale.order.line :

niu = fields.Char(string="NIU", compute="_niu_validation", default=" ", readonly=True)

Please if anyone could help me , I'll be very grateful. Thank you for your time and dedication.

Best Answer

Hi @beriliox

That's is a computed field that it's not stored in the database, if you wanna store the result of the computation you need to add the argument store=True to the field definition, like:

niu = fields.Char(string="NIU", compute="_niu_validation", default=" ", readonly=True, store=True)

Thanks, but now Odoo shows me the following error: ProgrammingError: column "niu" of relation "sale_order_line" does not exist LINE 1: ...roduct_id", "product_packaging", "qty_delivered", "niu", "cr...

You need to restart the Odoo server and update your module for Odoo convert the computed field into an store one


Thanks. I do it ;)