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I want to display the activity date deadline but it takes a wrong format. I work on French odoo but the date is displayed in English, with the following format and time set to 00:00:00 but this is a date field not datetime...

Format : Wed Dec 18 2019 00:00:00 GMT+2

This is weird because even in my database, the date is displayed like 18/09/2019, so why is it displayed like that when I call the field in inherited qweb template?

Here is my qweb inheritance: 

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<t t-extend="mail.KanbanActivityDropdown">
<t t-jquery=".fa-clock-o" t-operation="after">
<t t-if="log.date_deadline > new Date() and log.activity_type_id[1] != 3">
<span><t t-esc="log.date_deadline" /></span>

Hope that anyone can help me. Thanks !


I already tried t-field, t-options, t-field-options with format or widget: no effect...



Try using the widget 'date', e.g.:

<span t-field="log.date_deadline" t-options='{"widget": "date"}'/>
Best Answer

Okay, it seems that is because of default: date is kept with time zone in the database (not UTC).

I guess the simplest way to replace timezone is to re-calculate date in Python (or alternative apply fields_utils in Javascript). Something like (not tested):

def _compute_no_tz_date(self):
for record in self:
record.no_tz_date = fields.Date.to_string(
# perhaps also better to apply time zone transformation
# have a look at the method _compute_state_from_date in the same file
no_tz_date = fields.Date(compute=_compute_no_tz_date)

Then, this no_tz_date should be shown in XML just as a string without time or time zone

Author Best Answer

It has no effect (see updated answer) I don't understand why...


date_deadline field in MailActivity object (in file):

date_deadline = fields.Date('Due Date', index=True, required=True, default=fields.Date.context_today)

Log declaration (I don't know if it is declared in some JS file or not):

<li t-if="!_.isEmpty(records)">
<ul class="nav o_activity_log">
<t t-foreach="_.keys(records)" t-as="key">
<t t-set="logs" t-value="records[key]" />
<li class="o_activity_label">
<strong t-attf-class="o_activity_color_#{key}">
<t t-esc="selection[key]" /> (<t t-esc="logs.length"/>)
<li t-foreach="logs" t-as="log" t-att-data-activity-id="" class="o_schedule_activity">
<div class="o_activity_title pull-left">
<span t-attf-class="fa #{log.icon} fa-fw" />
<t t-esc="log.title_action or log.activity_type_id[1]" />
<span class="fa fa-clock-o fa-fw" />
<span t-att-title="log.date_deadline"><t t-esc="log.label_delay" /></span>
<t t-if="log.user_id[0] != uid">
<span class="ml4 fa fa-user" />
<span><t t-esc="log.user_id[1]" /></span>
<div class="pull-right">
<span class="o_mark_as_done o_activity_link o_activity_link_kanban fa fa-check-circle fa-2x mt4" t-att-data-activity-id="" title="Mark as done" />

Thank you for help !


Share then the field date_deadline Python declaration or Javascript code (depending on what is log - Odoo class or Javascript object).


Done. Thanks !


Thank you so much it works ! But I used from_string instead of to_string (sorry I can't reply your comment above, just mine). You have been helpful so I'm disappointed to not have enough karma to upvote your answer. Thaaaanks again !!!

You are welcome. As for karma: I upvoted your question - the situation is quite interesing. Besides, if you need karma in the Future, you can pass a few learning courses -


Oh nice! I'll think about that! Thanks a lot!
