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3 Replies

Hi !

When I print an invoice, in French, "Your reference" should be "Votre référence". Instead, the printing shows "Description".

I've checked all the traduction files that contain "Your reference", and all of them were correct. I've also tried updating the base, account and sales modules, without success.

Anyone knows where "Description" comes from, and how to fix this ?


Author Best Answer

Ok, so it seems that the cell `Description` is filled with the `` value, which, I think, can be either the `account.invoice.reference`, or another field. That's a little confusing, but I've sorted it out. Now, I think I'll put another cell to hold the `account.invoice.reference` field, but that's not the subject of this post.


I've finally found the right `.rml` file in `account/report/account_print_invoice.rml`.

Best Answer

Maybe some old translation file is still stuck in the database. we have had similair issues with translations as well. Try to look for the translation at: Settings --> Translations --> Application terms --> Translated terms Look for "Description" in the "Translation Value" column, to see if any record that matches that has something like "Your reference" as its source value. ---- If that does not work, open the source of the report itself and make sure the field that is showing is the correct field.


I accidentally removed your comment PY, sorry. As an answer, you should look for the RML-file and/or the parser, in the way of the py file. The location should be something like "addons/account/report".

Best Answer

Check that the PDF is being recreated instead of openerp taking a previously generated copy from the database. You can force recreation in various ways:

  • by going into Settings -> Actions -> Reports -> Search for invoice -> Select the correct one -> Uncheck "Reload from Attachment".
  • by deleting the saved PDF record in the database in the table ir_attachment (`DELETE FROM ir_attachment WHERE res_model = 'account.invoice'` to delete all of them)

It doesn't work.