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I seem to be able to comment only on my own questions.  Every forum question has text at the bottom of the page that says something like, "if you only want to leave a comment, use the commenting tool."  However, all I can see is the answer tool.  At first, I thought it must be an issue of requisite karma points, but then I saw the list in the post at, which states that a user only needs 1 karma point in order to comment.  Why, then, can I only leave comments on my own posts?  Is this a bug in the forum software?


I updated my answer to be clearer.

Jeff, Odoo upgraded their website today to v8. Can you now comment on my answer below?

Best Answer

Commenting on any post is a privilege you gain based on karma.  Once odoo updates their website to odoo 8 sometime in the next few days, everyone with a karma greater than 1 will have this ability.

Update: The karma points are different on the current version of the forum software since this is a new v8 feature and it has gone through some evolution leading up to the v8 release.


Woo hoo! Looks like it is working now!

Shamelessly request you consider accepting my answer by clicking the check under the vote box of my answer.  You also get two karma points and it will help my karma as well :D

Enjoy the new v8 forum.


On Tue, Aug 19, 2014 at 11:26 AM, Jeff Beidler <> wrote:

Woo hoo! Looks like it is working now!

Jeff Beidler Sent by OpenERP S.A. using Odoo. about Forum Post False


Ha ha! Well, I tried, but received this message: "20 karma is required to perform this action."