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2 Replies

Where is odoo SAAS most stable repositories ?


I'm afraid I don't understand your question. repositories = modules?


Do not afraid, look at answers. repositories or code branch or you can say stable code where hosted. Never afraid. ;)

It is just a saying to be polite. Hope you got your answer. If not let me know what else you need.

Author Best Answer

If you want to utilize this repos, then check first status at then pull and upgrade system.


What do you mean by 'most stable' ? In which way can be more stable than ?

I imagine he means which of the saas versions are the most stable: 1-5

Then probably shouldn't be there. I think that both the question and the currently chosen answer are a little confusing.


most stable mean, very less bugs, most bug fixed and merged.

well most patches and merges does not mean most stable. However maybe the question is why do you want to use a saas version? It is not supported by odoo and there is no upgrade path from odoo nor the community.


@stephen, then which version to use for my cloud server ? Why not to use for self hosting ? if those branch works great then what is problem ? How you suggest best SAAS version to use ?

I think the confusion is in the name. SaaS (Software as a Service) implies cloud deployment however the SaaS versions are not odoo's cloud version and v8 is odoos self-hosting version. SaaS-5 should be considered odoo v7.4 without the official minor version support (upgrades). odoo v7 and SaaS-1 is the same software and odoo v8 and SaaS-6 will too be the same software. There is no magic put into the SaaS version to make it cloud ready. SaaS is just odoo's internal version that they use on their hosting option. If you ever want to upgrade odoo in the future you should install version 7 or version 8 when it comes out in a few weeks. Check out this thread:

Best Answer

Ok from what users have reported in the community mailing list, odoo currently has been using saas-3 for most online saas customers.

Saas-1 throught saas-5 are odoo v7 with some of the v8 features.  Saas-6 that will be released very shortly will be odoo v8 and all online users will be upgraded to that version.

Please be aware that there is no community based upgrade path for saas versions and odoo uses these versions on their own hosting services.  They are not recommended for self-hosting solutions.


Do you know which branch is going to be the saas-6 that you referred to? If somebody installs from as it is now, do you think that there will be problems upgrading to the stable odoo version 8.0?

Honestly I would expect it to be a fork of v8rc1 the 8.0 tree. The master branch is already starting the v9 development. Can you upgrade without problems? Maybe but I would not count on it.