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Hello there,

I'm trying to understand a custom module for a customer.

What is this kind of "store" in this field declaration?

Usually, the store parameter takes the value False or True...

How do you name it? How to get info about this?

'to_invoice_hours': fields.function(_to_invoice_hours_get, string='Hours To Invoice',
        store = {
'project.task': (lambda self, cr, uid, ids, c={}: ids, ['timesheet_ids'], 10),
'account.analytic.line': (_get_task, ['task_id', 'unit_amount'], 10), }

Thanks for your comments.

Best Answer

If the store parameter is simply set to True, the stored values will never be recalculated, which in many cases is a bad thing and leads to wrong data later on. However, the store parameter in your example defines the conditions that would trigger the recalculation of the stored field's values. 

There is a good explanation of the recalculation triggers of the old API in this blog post. However, if you have the option to use the new API instead, writing the recalculation triggers becomes much, much simpler, as you can just use the @api.depends decorator.


Big thanks. Your words are perfect!