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Some countries have no l10n in the core, which makes impossible / inconvenient to deploy on SaaS for customers in these countries.

For some of these countries, 3rd party maintainted addons exist, for others, the work needs to be done. Assuming a l10n addon exist, what is the process to be followed to get this merged in odoo?

Best Answer

The process to update/add a l10n module is quite similar to regular contributions to the official distribution. Roughly:

  1. Identify the series in which your [updated] l10n module should land. If it's a new module, the current stable series should do. It it's an update, it will depend on the amount of changes you plan to make. Have a look at the stable policy to see if you should target the current stable or the `master` series.
  2. Fork the odoo repository on GitHub  and checkout the chosen series
  3. Create or Update the l10n_xx module, bearing the localisation guidelines in mind (need minor updates related to github).
  4. Push your branch on github and create the pull request (See also the contribution guidelines)
  5. If possible, find/ask community members in that country to review your pull request, then wait for the review.

Some examples of l10n pull requests:
