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I've got a two fields.selection: institutional and retail this 2 need to hide in view_form. They will become visible if they undergo to the process of this two attrs="{'invisible':[('customer_group_id','=','Retail'), attrs="{'invisible':[('customer_group_id','=','Institutional').

How will i going to hide this using domain??

     <field name ="institutional" attrs="{'invisible':[('customer_group_id','=','Retail'), (]}"/>
     <field name ="retail" attrs="{'invisible':[('customer_group_id','=','Institutional')]}"/>


Best Answer

Hi, Domains are tuples, the structure is (field, operator, value). You can also give multiple tuples as list of tuples like [(field, operator, value), (field, operator, value), (field, operator, value)]

Field is the data in the database, Operator is the comparison, = equal, != not equal, > greater than, < less than, etc. Value is the data you want to compare with the field, it can be another database field, a constant or a calculated value.

These links will give more info about domains... link1 link2

Go to server/openerp/osv/ in Openerp 7 to find the list of operators.
