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2 Replies

Hi all, this is my first question on odoo's forum.

I have this trouble with website builder on one page. The template ID not correspond to the page. i've take a screen here : 

Can someone help me ? 

Author Best Answer


Sorry i read again my post and i don't explain it. I installed website multi module in our database. After this on website builder we noticed that template ID didn't correspond to webpage. The webpage name is "acces-internet" but the template ID is "website.web_menu_link".  

Here the HTML code : 

<t t-name="web.menu_link"> 
<t t-set="debug_param" t-value="'?&amp;debug=' if debug else ''"/>
<a t-att-href="'/web%s#menu_id=%s&amp;action=%s' % (debug_param, menu['id'], menu['action'] and menu['action'].split(',')[1] or '')" t-att-class="'oe_menu_toggler' if menu.get('children') else 'oe_menu_leaf'" t-att-data-menu="menu['id']" t-att-data-action-model="menu['action'] and menu['action'].split(',')[0] or ''" t-att-data-action-id="menu['action'] and menu['action'].split(',')[1] or ''">
<span class="oe_menu_text">
<t t-esc="menu['name']"/>

So my question is, how do you change the template ID "web_menu_link" to "website.acces-internet" ? 

I tried to directly change in HTML code but i had an 500 error.

I hope I'm clear in my explanations (sorry for my bad english).

Best Answer

@Mathieu :- Could you please specify the problem? Actually i couldn't get your question.Tell me what you want to do? What you have been done? if it possible i can help you.

thanks ,

