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we need to add a purchase form in the project .how to do this?

Best Answer

Hello veena

yes u can use man2many field for nesting.

.py file:

class project_project(osv.osv):

'purchase_id': fields.many2many('purchase.order',purchase_order_project_rel', 'project_id', 'purchase_id','Purchase Order'),

.xml file

<record id="project_form" model="ir.ui.view">
        <field name="name">project.project.form</field>
        <field name="model">project.project</field>
        <field name="arch" type="xml">

        <separator colspan="4" string="Purchase order info"/>
            <field colspan="4" name="purchase_id" />    


we want to reside purchase order form into another form (nesting).in project form we want the purchase form

I have edited my post, hopefully this will fulfils your requirement


in project form we want to add facility to create purchase orders related to the project. so can u help me to add purchase form into the project form

yes this will add purchase order related to your project only

u see the many2many relation table-> purchase_order_project_re

select * from purchase_order_project_rel ;

this will give you ids of orders related to your each project record.


shashank , i didn't get you.

did you try to run the code which i mentioned?


no since i dont know where to place that code.

place this code in your project module.

does your problem resolved?


another problem we need to show all the transfers that take place inside a main warehouse and a local warehouse(including variations in product quantity) in a project

the same process u need to follow, just add another field in ur class

'warehouse_id': fields.many2many('stock.warehouse',warehouse_project_rel', 'project_id', 'warehouse_id','Warehouse Info'),

and do the changes in xml too


where to add the above code?


how to transfer products from mainstore to local warehouse?I need to implement a functionality so that the product transfer details of a particular project is viewable.It is like this,I need to save the product and its details transferred from the main store to the local warehouse for this project,the pending stock after the use has to be transferred back to the mainstore.How is this possible?


i want to install AMC(Annual Maintenance Contract),but in openerp, AMC is not found. From where we can get AMC(Annual Maintenance Contract)?


I need to add annual maintenance contract,but in openerp, AMC is not found. From where we can get AMC(Annual Maintenance Contract)?


I am a newbie in openerp and not aware of coding in open erp.My requirement is I need to place a grid in the create 'Contracts' form ,next to the Contracts Information tab.My grid should contain following headers-Product,Description,Quantity,Unit Price etc.It should also have the facility to 'Add New Product' to the product list.Can anyone help me in the above coding?