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2 Replies

the question says is all basically when creating a new product by default it is marked as "consumable product'. In my case I almost always want to create a 'Stockable Product' though. Is there a way to set this up as the default option?


Hi,, Have you tried giving default for that field??


no. how would you do that?

Best Answer

Hi Gunnar,

You can set default value for any of field from selected form view. Just see the below screen. User can set default value from "debug" mode.

Set Default Screen

I hope this will help you.

Best Answer

Through the GUI I don't believe so. I don't see a way anyway. You should be able to do it programatically. 

The field you are looking for is the "type" field in the product.template model. It is originally defined in /addons/product/ You can change it in that file, but it may not work since I think this column is inherited and changed somewhere else. Best practice is to create a custom module and inherit the model with this column:

 'type': fields.selection([('product','Stockable Product'),('consu', 'Consumable'),('service','Service')], 'Product Type', required=True, default='product' help="Consumable are product where you don't manage stock, a service is a non-material product provided by a company or an individual.")

Also, you will find information on the default fields in the ORM API docs for 8.0:     
