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6 Replies

Hello Guys & Gals,


I am still new to Odoo so please forgive my ignorance.

I have run into a small situation that I haven't figured out. 

I setup two Primary Users. Admin and Ly

I setup 10 Client Companies in the Sales-Customers section

I also setup each Client Company's Owner/CEO as a USER

I then setup an Empoloyee and connected that Employee (Ly) to one of the Primary Users (Ly)

When logs in she is unable to see any of the Client Companies (Customers) that I added under the Administrator account.

I checked out permissions, etc. and still can't figure what I am doing wrong. 

Could someone please assist me in this?

Please understsand I am still new so the more details the better but thanks in advanced.,


Here's a bit more information: I added Clients Companies using the Administrator account and I created a user with same rights as Administrator and when that new user logs in, he can't view the Client Companies/Partner that I added while I was logged as the Administrator.

Best Answer

I have also faced the same problem but I find out the issue.

just go to Other Extra Rights and uncheck your portal and public option from your user.

Settings-->Users--> Other Extra Rights-->Portal,Public

now user can see all customer.

Best Answer

Thank you very much for your answer !!! best regards, -LV

Best Answer

For some reason i have a similar problem, but I have that when people use Internet Explorer (11) they see only four contacts but if they use google chrome, they can see all contacts and businesses.

Best Answer

Following the tips of eliminaten Portal and Public I also solved the problem.

It seems that Portal restricts users to matters only related to them. Public only related to stuff marked as public... so users with such permisions are pretty restricted.

Author Best Answer

I was having the same problem and after loading with the demo data and discovering the demo account was able to perform the task, I began a slightly tedious process of elimination.

I realized if I assigned the user Public and Portal in ACCESS RIGHTS (tab) - Other (section), I was unable to view any of the current customer information (demo data). 

I was going to upload the image here but it says I need more than 30 Karma... I'm pretty sure I've got thousands of Karma... both good and bad. :-)
