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Can anyone tell me the use of search attribute in field tag.

Sample from the documentation is below

<field name="partner_id" search="[]" model="res.partner"/>

Sample from the openerp code is below

 <field name="fields_id" search="[('model','=','res.partner'),('name','=','property_account_receivable')]"/>  # account/demo/account_minimal.xml

 <field model="" name="state_id" search="[('code','ilike','ca')]"/> # base/res/res_partner_demo.xml

 <field name="account_debit" search="[('code', 'like', '4540%')]"/> # l10n_be_hr_payroll_account/l10n_be_hr_payroll_account_data.xml

Documentation Explanation is below

The search attribute allows to find the record to associate when you do not know its xml id. You can thus specify a search criteria to find the wanted record. The criteria is a list of tuples of the same form than for the predefined search method. If there are several results, an arbitrary one will be chosen (the first one)

I am having some prob in understanding how all the above works. Can anyone help me out how this needs to be used. Is it possible to give dynamic search values from the global filter. Thanks for your time.

Best Answer


Search attribute is like SQL WHERE statement .

ie : search="[('code','ilike','ca')]" means SELECT .... WHERE code ILIKE 'ca'

so that will get records where code = CA, or code =ca, code= Ca or code= cA

Best regards


:) I am sorry Thierry, that's not wt i've asked. I asked what is the use of that search tag and where it exactly makes a difference in openerp7. Hope you understand. Looking for your guidance. Thanks

Sorry vivek, I've not undertood what you wanted. (my native language is french)


no prob, i immediately understood when looking at your profile and posts. Anyway thanks for your support.