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3 Replies

Hi all,

I need to display the contact name from lead and display it in Schedule Calls. May I know how to do it?

Many thanks.

Best Answer

Your right, i understood it.. Hmm by the way try to do this.. in your .py inherit the crm.phonecall class and put the field contact name

class crm_phonecall(osv.osv): 
_inherit = "crm.phonecall"
_columns = {
   'contact_name': fields.char('Contact Name', size=64),        

and in your .xml add the contact_name field

   <record id="call_contact_name" model="ir.ui.view">
        <field name="name"></field>
        <field name="model">crm.phonecall</field>
        <field name="type">form</field>
        <field name="priority">10</field>
        <field name="inherit_id" ref="crm.crm_case_phone_form_view"/>
          <field name="arch" type="xml">

               <xpath expr ="//field[@name='date']" position="before">
                    <field name="contact_name"/>


Inherit the crm.lead class and get its "schedule_phonecall" method which is responsible 4 transferring tha data from lead to schedule calls.. Add the contact_name inside the "VALS"

class crm_lead(osv.osv): 
_inherit = "crm.lead"
def schedule_phonecall(self, cr, uid, ids, schedule_time, call_summary, desc, phone, contact_name, user_id=False, section_id=False, categ_id=False, action='schedule', context=None):
    :param string action: ('schedule','Schedule a call'), ('log','Log a call')
    phonecall = self.pool.get('crm.phonecall')
    model_data = self.pool.get('')
    phonecall_dict = {}
    if not categ_id:
        res_id = model_data._get_id(cr, uid, 'crm', 'categ_phone2')
        if res_id:
            categ_id = model_data.browse(cr, uid, res_id, context=context).res_id
    for lead in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
        if not section_id:
            section_id = lead.section_id and or False
        if not user_id:
            user_id = lead.user_id and or False
        vals = {
            'name': call_summary,
            'user_id': user_id or False,
            'categ_id': categ_id or False,
            'description': desc or '',
            'date': schedule_time,
            'section_id': section_id or False,
            'partner_id': lead.partner_id and or False,
            'partner_phone': phone or or (lead.partner_id and or False),
            'partner_mobile': lead.partner_id and or False,
            'priority': lead.priority,
        new_id = phonecall.create(cr, uid, vals, context=context)
        phonecall.case_open(cr, uid, [new_id], context=context)
        if action == 'log':
            phonecall.case_close(cr, uid, [new_id], context=context)
        phonecall_dict[] = new_id
        self.schedule_phonecall_send_note(cr, uid, [], new_id, action, context=context)
    return phonecall_dict

_columns = {
   'contact_name': fields.char('Contact Name', size=64),

Although the contact_name will not appear in this window

image description

but in your schedule log calls menu.. it will appear, if you put contact_name in your lead form

image description


Hi lhadiesleo, I think you misunderstanding what I need to modify it. For example, I put the name "Jessie" as Contact Name in Lead Form (your screen shot no 1) and I need the Contact Name "Jessie" display in Schedule Calls List, there don't have a field name to display the contact name. May I know how to do it, need to add on a new field name? Many thanks.

hope that will help you :D i've already tested it. and it works fine to me :D

Best Answer

A lead in OpenERP is a source of information that someone in your company needs to qualify before deciding if anyone should spend time and energy following up.

It could be a name from a list you bought, a business card from a tradeshow, an incoming email to your website, an email from a registration page, a message that a caller left, etc.

The out of the box workflow (ie: without customization) that the software supports is to convert a lead into an opportunity if call needs to be scheduled - then the contact information (person & company) will show up as you expect.

I understand what you want to do, and it is certainly is possible with customization, but this is my advice - convert the lead into an opportunity if you think it is worth a scheduled call.

Leave it a lead until someone spends time deciding if it is worth anyone's time following up. If you know enough to know when a return call should be scheduled (if someone has asked you to call back), you probably know enough to justify converting it into an opportunity.

Author Best Answer

Hi lhadiesleo,

Thanks for your help.

I open and edit it as below (follow your screen shot no 1) but I got this error. "TypeError: The model "crm.phonecall" specifies an unexisting parent class "crm.phonecall". You may need to add a dependency on the parent class' module." I am newbie in python language. May I know how to solve this problem? Many thanks.

class crm_phonecall(base_state, osv.osv): """ Model for CRM phonecalls """ _name = "crm.phonecall" _description = "Phonecall" _order = "id desc" _inherit = ['mail.thread','crm.phonecall'] _columns = { # base_state required fields 'contact_name': fields.char('Contact Name', size=64), 'date_action_last': fields.datetime('Last Action', readonly=1), ...


just copy and paste my code.. i know it will work fine.. :D