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2 Replies

Hello, I try to install the project_crm module and got this dump:

'You may need to add a dependency on the parent class\' module.' % (name, parent_name))

TypeError: The model "" specifies an unexisting parent class "" You may need to add a dependency on the parent class' module.

Looking at whe have this entry

"depends" : ["base","crm","project","crm"],

Looking at we have this reference entry:

class wizard_unsync(wizard.interface):
 def delete(self,cr, uid,data,context):
    for project in pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('project.task').browse(cr, uid, data['ids']):
        if project.case_id:
            '''Right this line below'''
            pooler.get_pool(cr.dbname).get('').unlink(cr, uid, [], context)
    return {}

And finally under we find the class declared like this:

class crm_case(osv.osv):
_inherit = ""
def write(self, cr, uid, ids,vals,context={}):
    res = super(crm_case,self).write(cr, uid, ids, vals, context)
    date = vals.get('date',False)
    if date:
        for case in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context):
            prj_ids = self.pool.get('project.task').search(cr, uid, [('case_id', '=',])
            for project_id in prj_ids:
                cr.execute("update project_task set date_deadline = '%s' where id = %d " %(date,project_id))
    return res

I don`t saw in anywhere the calling to create the entity crm_case on my schema.

So, humbly i ask to you friends why ORM throws that error message and how should i fix it?

Note: For now i am learning how to deal with OpenERP framework, once i have more experience promisse to help other friends.


Sandro Regis

Best Answer

What version are you using? is for V5 and below. If you are attempting to install a module with into V7 it may have to be rewritten to be compatible.


I am using 6.1 version. Even in this version there are some modules using

Author Best Answer

Okay fellows!

It`s solved. I just download from repository the crm_case module and did some fixes, removing the


from views and on dependencies for project_crm module was added crm_case module.

So it works! Thank you all!
