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2 Replies

I have one custom module, which makes some changes to totals for my sales orders.

It works exactly as it is designed.

However, when I make another change to the sale order (such as adding a domain value to the product ID) from a different custom module, I end up getting an "Undefined get method" error.

I can manually upgrade the 1st (complex) module and both features work appropriately.

1) Why do I need to manually upgrade the 1st module? 
2) Can I make it such that I don't need to?


please post your code here


I created an answer with relevant code (unable to edit original question). Thanks.

Author Best Answer


I'm unable to edit my original question (403 Forbidden Error), so here is the relevant code from our custom modules.

Complex Module


'depends': ['base', 'account', 'account_accountant', 'sale', 'sale_order_travis'],

'installable': True,

'auto_install': False,

'application': True,


from __future__ import division

from openerp import fields, models, api, osv

import openerp.addons.decimal_precision as dp

import math

class saleorder_discount(models.Model):

_inherit = 'sale.order'

fee_type = fields.Selection([('Blind Ship', 'Blind Ship'), ('Blind Ship Rush', 'Blind Ship Rush')], string='Fee Type',

states={'draft': [('readonly', False)]},

help='Fee is percentage of subtotal plus fixed fee')

minimum_order_fee_exempt = fields.Boolean('Exempt from Minimum Order Fee', help='If checked, customer will not be charged any fees even if the order is under the minimum.')

discounted_amount = fields.Float(string='Fees', store=True, readonly=True, compute='compute_amounts')

amount_total = fields.Float(string='Total', digits=dp.get_precision('Account'),

store=True, readonly=True, compute='compute_amounts')

def _prepare_invoice(self, cr, uid, order, lines, context=None):

res = super(saleorder_discount, self)._prepare_invoice(cr, uid, order, lines, context=context)

res.update({'fee_type' : order.fee_type,

'minimum_order_fee_exempt' : order.minimum_order_fee_exempt})

return res


@api.depends('order_line.price_subtotal', 'discounted_amount', 'fee_type', 'minimum_order_fee_exempt')

def compute_amounts(self):

self.amount_untaxed = sum(line.price_subtotal for line in self.order_line)

# Get "order amount" without shipping charges because they don't count towards the minimum

price_shipping = 0

for line in self.order_line:

if line.product_id.default_code in ['mage_shipping','Shipping Charge'] or in ['Magento Shipping','Shipping Charge']:

price_shipping += line.price_subtotal

elif in ['Discount - Low Order Fee']:

self.minimum_order_fee_exempt = True

price_subtotal_excluding_shipping = self.amount_untaxed - price_shipping

val = 0

minimum_order_amt = 25.00

if'-') >= 2:

self.minimum_order_fee_exempt = True

if price_subtotal_excluding_shipping < minimum_order_amt and not self.minimum_order_fee_exempt:

low_order_fee = 10.00


low_order_fee = 0.00

for line in self.order_line:

val += self._amount_line_tax(line)

print "Fee Type: " + str(self.fee_type)

if self.fee_type == 'Blind Ship Rush':

fee_fixed = 20.00

fee_percentage = 0.05

amount_to_dis = round( (price_subtotal_excluding_shipping) * (fee_percentage) , 2)

self.discounted_amount = amount_to_dis + fee_fixed + low_order_fee

self.amount_total = self.amount_untaxed + val + amount_to_dis + fee_fixed + low_order_fee

elif self.fee_type == 'Blind Ship':

fee_fixed = 10.00

fee_percentage = 0.035

amount_to_dis = round( (price_subtotal_excluding_shipping) * (fee_percentage) , 2)

self.discounted_amount = amount_to_dis + fee_fixed + low_order_fee

self.amount_total = self.amount_untaxed + val + amount_to_dis + fee_fixed + low_order_fee

elif price_subtotal_excluding_shipping < minimum_order_amt and not self.minimum_order_fee_exempt:

self.discounted_amount = low_order_fee

self.amount_total = self.amount_untaxed + val + low_order_fee


self.discounted_amount = 0

self.amount_total = self.amount_untaxed + val

print "Fees: $" + str(self.discounted_amount)

print "Amount Total: $" + str(self.amount_total)

Simple Module

It is changing position of a field on the product view. Completely unrelated from sales order.


<record id="product_mpn_search_view" model="ir.ui.view">

<field name="name">Search for MPN (Supplier Default Code)</field>

<field name="model">product.template</field>

<field name="inherit_id" ref="product.product_template_search_view"/>

<field name="arch" type="xml">

<field name="name" position="after">

<field name="seller_ids" string="MPN" filter_domain="[('seller_ids.product_code','ilike',self)]" />




