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2 Replies


I downloaded odoo allinone file installer hoping translations are fixed, but there still are some problems. Compute and related fields with store=False are not translated, we must put it manually in .po, I have no problem doing that at this moment.

But I'm facing a big problem because sql_constraints messages are not being translated. There are in .po but messages are shown in English. What can I do? Any one are facing this bug? I repeat, I'm talking about latest odoo allinone installer (Jan 5 2015)

Code example in .py:

    _sql_constraints = [('name_uniq', 'unique(name)', _('Occupation name must be unique!'))]

Code example in .po:

#. module: af
#: sql_constraint:af.occupation:0
#, python-format
msgid "Occupation name must be unique!"
msgstr "¡El nombre debe ser único!"

Any help thanks in advanced!


Best Answer

See this issue and this commit  dated 27 Nov 2014. Compare your code with this commit, can you help.

Author Best Answer

I don't have enought karma, so I cannot comment an answer.

Thanks zbik for your answer. I already saw that commit, and my current odoo version (25 Jan) already has those code changes. I don't know what to do to solve my problem. As a last resort, I could convert all _sql_constraints into odoo constrains functions, but it could take a lot of effort since I have several sql_constraints implemented.

Any idea? What can I do?

Thanks in advanced


I don't know. You add comment with detail description to issue or report new.


Some one know if this problem with sql_constraint messages translation is general or if it is only with Spanish language?