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In trying to understand how all of the scheduled dates for order processing work I have just gone and confused myself further. My first point of confusion is:

When I create a Sale Order and confirm it, the generated Delivery Order "Time" (datetime field) is set to the day BEFORE the date on the Sale Order. I confirmed this on runbot so I don't think it is a misconfiguration. What is the purpose of this?

Best Answer

In my opinion there is a general bug around lead times calculation. We have reported it internally and it hasn't been considered yet. I just created a bug report here to revive this topic.


Thanks Fabrice - I appreciate the acknowledgement and the thorough bug report is relevant to what we are hoping to see. What should I do with this question? Mark it answered, close it, something else...?

You can Mark it answered. I don't think there is anything else to do at this point in this thread.