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I was using Odoo 10 community and found a strange issue.
verified on odoo 11 to get rid of this.. but unfortunately same behavior in odoo 11 as well .

I have a tax say GST 5% .
It has group of taxes
SGST 2.5%
CGST 2.5%

Now, I made SGST 2.5% and CGST 2.5% as TAX INCLUDED IN PRICE in tax settings of these taxes.
I created a product which has GST 5% which by default is group of these 2 taxes.

Further now I create Invoice.. here are how the calculations..Example

product @ value 100 and
Tax GST 5%
(Tax Included in price)

What I am getting :
Untaxed Amount :   95.12 : correct
Total Taxes : 4.88  : correct.
Total Invoice value : 100 : correct..

Now when I check the Tax base of these 2 taxes.. Here is how it is..

Tax Lines/Base Tax Lines/Display Name Tax Lines/Amount
CGST Sale 2.5% 2.44
 SGST Sale 2.5% 2.44

Ideally the base amount cannot be more than 95.12 or any other figure..But this way, it gives wrong info as 2.44 cgst tax on 97.56.. making Invoice 1002.44 sgst tax on 97.56 .. making Invoice 100+ ( more than Invoice value)

Please advice if there is more configuration on this.... ???

I saw there was in fix in V 9.0 which no doubt would be present in V-11

I am totally blocked for this.. Please help guys...

This issue was in V10.. and even in V11 community

Best Answer

Please Look into the bellow screen shot. in default Odoo 11 it's working.


Best Answer

Have you got any solution for this problem? I am also facing the same issue


Have you done any customisation ??

No. Can you help me

The above screen shot which you have shared is for Quotations. I have issues in Point of Screen (POS)

can you please check, now i have uploaded POS screen shot

it's working default odoo, the screen shot from

version 11

Thanks Subbarao. But the calculation for 100Rs tax should be like this, 100*5/105 = 4.76 should be the tax amount.

However, default Odoo is taking 5 Rs as tax amount

def _compute_amount(self, base_amount, price_unit, quantity=1.0, product=None, partner=None):


if self.amount_type == 'fixed':

if base_amount:

return math.copysign(quantity, base_amount) * self.amount


return quantity * self.amount

if (self.amount_type == 'percent' and not self.price_include) or (self.amount_type == 'division' and self.price_include):

return base_amount * self.amount / 100

if self.amount_type == 'percent' and self.price_include:

return base_amount - (base_amount / (1 + self.amount / 100))

if self.amount_type == 'division' and not self.price_include:

return base_amount / (1 - self.amount / 100) - base_amount

this is Odoo default tax calculation. if want you can change according to your business

this Definition available on Account Model account/models/

Inherit and do it

Where I can find this code?

can you please ping me on skype. My ID is karthik.hs

odoo server addons/account/models/

did you know Odoo server installation folder

if not you can check it on odoo config file

or you can check it from service file

can you call me on 9930057159

Best Answer

@abhitechsavy for your very particular query we have implemented one module >>

KIndly go through the workflow of it.

Author Best Answer

Did anyone look at this ??? 

Please help team..


Yes I got into the same issue, it doesn't look like a bug but for some other reason. Don't know exactly.