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2 Replies

I have a custom module, and I'd like to do the following two things:

  1. When an object gets into a particular state, automatically create a project.task item.
  2. When the task is Done, send a signal to my custom object workflow (to send it into the next state)

I know how to do #1 (by calling self.pool.get('project.task').create in my state action function). But, any idea how to do #2?

Best Answer

Hi Shaun,

You can overwrite task done method in your custom module. Then you can do your code that change the state of your object to next state or call a workflow that change your next state.

Suppose task is done in action_close method. So you can overwrite action_close method & do your code.

def action_close(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
    res = super(task, self).action_cancel(cr, uid, ids, context)
    // Code to make your object record in next state
    return res

Hope this way it would work.


Author Best Answer

Thanks for the pointer, Keyur.

In the interest of completion, I'll include exactly what I did so that there's a definitely working example in this answer.

(I'm modeling the requirement to perform a test on some equipment. The test_module.test model is the results of the test. When one of these objects is created, I want to create a Task that will track actually doing it.)

First, I added the logic to create a Task when my Test is created:

#this is in class test_module_test...
def test_pending(self, cr, uid, ids):
    project_task = self.pool.get('project.task')
    for test in self.browse(cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        #create the task for this new test
        print "Creating task for Test"
        task_id = project_task.create(cr, uid, {
            'name': test.task_name(),
            'user_id': test.task_uid(),
            'description': test.task_description(),
        }, context=None)

        self.write(cr,uid, ids, {'state':'pending', 'created_on': time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')})
    return True

Then, in my file, I added the following class:

This class inherits from project.task, overriding the case_close method to signal my Test that it has been submitted.

class test_module_test_task(osv.osv):
    _columns = {
        'test_id': fields.many2one('eggrule.se_environmental_test', "SE Env. Test", ondelete='restrict'),

    def case_close(self, cr, uid, ids, context=None):
        #if the super method succeeds...
        if super(test_module_test_task, self).case_close(cr, uid, ids, context=context):
            print "About to signal task workflows, if there are any"
            wf_service = netsvc.LocalService("workflow")
            #for each object that we were passed...
            for task in self.browse(cr, uid, ids):
                #if there is an environmental test...
                if task.test_id:
                    #signal it...
                    wf_service.trg_validate(uid, 'test_module.test',, "test_submitted", cr)
            return True
        #else, the super method failed... (can't happen)
        return False



Wow!!! That's great...You are doing it right...Thanks for your detail explanation.