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HI there

I have just bought the new "enark" theme, downloaded it.

Could someone please explain how to install the theme in odoo. I have a bitnami / ubuntu odoo stack running in AWS.

Obviously I would like to the webapps page and click install, but I am assuming I have to log on via SSH and add a respository?? Any indication much appreciated.

Many thanks



Have a look at you will atleast need lessc and a symbolic nodejs link.


Thanks Yenthe. I'm not using the source install. Can I assume that if I am using a packaged installer that these dependencies are included in the build? Also having been given a zip file, what commands do I use to install the files? Many thanks

I myself haven't installed any themes yet so I'm not sure.. I do believe that the installer does not contain everything though. If I am correct you should unzip the files, place this folder under /addons, update your modules list and install it.