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Hello! I created a new table called and added a column in called region_id, to know to which region a state belongs to.

I also created a module which add some data to the new table I do this through an XML file, and it works well.

But now, I am trying to add the respective region_id to several states of which I am pretty sure that exist. How can I do this through a XML file?

This is an example of a XML record I used to fill in the table:

<record model='' id='myregionid01'>
    <field name='name'>My region</field>
    <field name='code'>MR</field>
    <field name="country_id" ref=""/>  <!-- I copied this line from other file, and it points to the country, but I do not know how it does -->

This is an example of what I have now:

        <record model='' id='mystateid01'> <!-- How can I point here to an existing state in to fill only its empty column region_id? -->
            <field name="region_id" ref="¿?"/>


Best Answer

The default syntax for this is "module_name.xml_record_id". 

So for example if your module is called region_extend and you have multiple records in your XML for regions, you will need to check for those ids. If you have region catalonia named like <record id="cata"/>, then you reference should be like so:

<field name="region_id" ref="region_extend.cata"/>

Hope this helps.


If I understand you correctly, you already have records for countries as well as regions. These were all added by hand, and now you want to link them? In that case using the importer might help.

Take the following steps:

  1. Export the list of regions (go to regions list view, select all records and press "Export" to export as CSV). Make sure to export their ID at least.
  2. Export a list of countries in the same way, make sure to export the columns id and region_id at least, next to the purple coloured fields that are mandatory!
  3. Open in Excel or equivalent software and copy-paste the Id's from the region export to the country-export under the region_id column of the appropriate country.
  4. Import the country list.

Once imported, all the existing id's (aka countries) will be updated and only completely new countries will be added.

Hope this helps you out a little.


Thank you! But if the record was introduced by hand (not through XML), does it have an xml_id?


Apart from that, if I type in ref my_module_name.my_state_xml_id, it works great (with states I introduced through XML files). But the problem is the integrity error I get after, because it tells me that I am introducing null values for code and name fields (which are mandatory), and in fact that's true, because supposely they are already filled in, and I am only adding the region_id value.

I edited my previous answer. Furthermore, handmade records never have an XML id and are therefor not approachable by said Id.

Your code will create new state, so it's required to fill the required field. Unless mystateid01 already defined.


@Ludo - Neobis Thank you so much for your patience. I am reading myself and I was not clear at all with my comment because I asked other doubt I had. I am going to explain the main problem better: I installed a module (made by other people) which inserts several states on my database. I created other module which creates the res_country_region table and fills it with several regions, in addition to add a column called region_id in the table res_country_state. Now, in res_country_state, I have the states (the ones introduced by the module I did not create) with their column region_id empty. And I want to fill in with their respectives regions through a XML file, if this is possible.


@Ben Bernard But "mystateid01" is the xml_id, not the table id, isn't it? I write there "mystateid01" because that is the xml_id of the state I want to update. The XML file which introduced that state on the database had "mystateid01" as xml_id.

@Juan Then you need to add the module name that introduced "mystateid01", for example if it's "custom_mod". Then the id should be "custom_mod.mystateid01".


@Ben Bernard Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I do not have enough karma to convert your comment into an answer, but if you want answer the question and I'll mark it as the right one. Thank you a lot!!!!