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I finally got OpenERP 7.0 running on CentOS 6.3 (wasn't easy as the some instructions are missing in the official documentation).

I did setup the outgoing mail correctly (e.g. creating users, and clicking the send password reset button as administrator works)

But when I make a quotation, it tries to send it using the alias of the user. I created a user (firstname lastname, ... and a loginID 'AAAA') now openerp automatically assigns an alias to that user, AAAA@app01 in this case (where app01 is the servers hostname)

But openerp SHOULD send that quoatation using the mailaddress of the user I'm logged on with.

see the logging below

2013-03-10 18:47:33,569 1445 ERROR openerp Mail delivery failed via SMTP server ''. SMTPSenderRefused: 550 5.1.0 <i4c2@app01> sender domain not fully qualified AAAA@app01 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/addons/base/ir/", line 460, in send_email smtp.sendmail(smtp_from, smtp_to_list, message.as_string()) File "/usr/lib64/python2.6/", line 698, in sendmail raise SMTPSenderRefused(code, resp, from_addr) SMTPSenderRefused: (550, '5.1.0 <aaaa@app01> sender domain not fully qualified', 'AAAA@app01') 2013-03-10 18:47:33,571 1445 ERROR openerp openerp.addons.mail.mail_mail: failed sending mail.mail 6 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/addons/mail/", line 278, in send, context=context) File "/opt/openerp/server/openerp/addons/base/ir/", line 473, in send_email raise MailDeliveryException(_("Mail delivery failed"), msg) MailDeliveryException: (u'Mail delivery failed', u"Mail delivery failed via SMTP server ''.\nSMTPSenderRefused: 550\n5.1.0 <aaaa@app01> sender domain not fully qualified\nAAAA@app01")

anyone who can assist here ?



Ok, I just found it myself : I must have overlooked it: as the admin, in "general settings" change "alias domain" (as I'm using an ISP's mailserver, it checks of the domain actually exists, so it needs to be a resolvable domainname). Leaving the solution here just in case others overlook it also.


I still have a small issue however : the mails with quotations, invoices, etc... seem to come from [useralias]@aliasdomain .... (so basically the logonid @ the aliasdomain in the general settings) but we need them to get to come from the useremail adres, this is especially important using the multicompany setup, so how can this be fixed?