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I have installed OpenErp 6.1 and Ireport 3.7.5.

I can`t send some information from a wizard to Ireport. After reading a lot I could send the Ids of the selected products, but I coldn't send some data that hasn't got a model.

I have this wizard :

class product_catalog_builder(osv.osv_memory):

_name = "product.catalog.builder"
_description = "Product Catalog Builder"

_columns = {
        'price' : fields.selection([('no_price','No price'),('sale_price', 'Sale price'), ('partner_pricelist', 'Partner pricelist')], 'Price', help =''),
        'res_partner_id' : fields.many2one('res.partner','Partner', help=''),
        'cover' : fields.boolean('Add cover', help=''),
        'backcover' : fields.boolean('Add backcocer', help=''),
_defaults = {
             'cover' : lambda *x: 1,
             'backcover' : lambda *x: 1,

and i want to send :

'cover': 'backcover' 'price' 'res_partner_id'

For doing that I try this :

def do_catalog(self, cr, uid, ids, context={}):

    catalog_builder = self.browse(cr,uid,ids[0])
    product_ids =context.get('active_ids',False)
    data = {
       'model': 'product.product',
       'ids': product_ids,
    return {
        'type': '',
        'report_name': 'pruebas',
        'datas': data,


In the report I have a parameter called cover and other called BOOLCOVER:

<parameter name="cover" class="java.lang.Object"/> <parameter name="COVERBOOL" class="java.lang.String"> <defaultvalueexpression> </parameter>

I can't pass that as parameter.

Thanks for your help.
