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Hi all,

I want to sell products in Units and invoice them in Kgs. For example my customer sells cheese. One cheese is about 4 kg. The uom for stock is units, we want to know how many units in stock we have.

All customers order cheese in units, let's say I buy 1 cheese. The sales order needs to show 1 unit, and we need to take 1 unit from stock. On the invoice however, we need to show kg's because the customer pays by the kg. One cheese never weighs exactly 4 kg. For example if the cheese is €2,50 per kg and the cheese ordered is a total of 4,1 kg then the invoice needs to show 4,1 kg times € 2,50 = € 10,25.

In short:

  1. Cheese unit of stock is Units

  2. Sell 1 unit of cheese

  3. Take 1 unit from stock

  4. Invoice actual weight of the cheese (example 4,1 kg) times price per kg

How do I do this in Odoo 8?




Good question, How do I do this in Odoo 11?

Best Answer

Good question, How do I do this in Odoo 11?


It was just a comment and not an answer, sorry, I'm very interested in the answer!