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10 Replies

I am making a custom module to track service tickets for a repair shop. I would like to be able to open the custom module tickets and be able to create a SO/Invoice from within the ticket so they are linked. 

ie. Custom brings item in for repair. While technician is working, they can add items required for the repair to the repair ticket and will update the sales order without changing screens. We can then use a button in the top corner to see the attached sales order and invoices. This way we just pull up a service ticket and can see what items are being used, what the customer owes, and what payments that have made on that specific ticket. 

I have tried mimicking code from the sales module as a template, but cannot get the custom module to make a sales order when our ticket is created so that they are linked-the repair ticket shows as source document for SO.

Using Odoo 12 Community, and coding manually without access to the Studio module. 


To implement your changes you just need to know how to customize existing modules, have a look into:

Best Answer

Hi Gregory, 

The easiest way would be to add three new fields on the ticket model:

A sale order many2one (Hook the create method to create a blank sale order when a ticket is created)

A sale order line many2many related to the sale orders order_line field.

An invoice many2many related to the sale orders invoice_ids field.

With these three fields you can show a link to the sale order and its invoices, as well as show and manipulate the sale orders order lines.


The three fields you mentioned are easy enough and I can add those in. However, I am lost with "Hook the create method to create a blank sale order when a ticket is created". Any chance you can provide an example of that code? Thanks.

In the ticket model (assuming the ticket has a partner field called partner_id and the tickets sale field is call sale_order_id):

def create(self, vals):

res = super(TicketModelClass, self).create(vals)

res.sale_order_id = self.env['sale.order'].create({'partner_id':})

return res


I am now getting this error message when I applied that code. Here is snippet of my

sale_order_id = fields.Many2one('sale.order')

def create(self, vals):

res = super(TicketModelClass, self).create(vals)

res.sale_order_id = self.env['sale.order'].create({'partner_id': res.customer})

return res

sale_order_line = fields.Many2many(related="sale_order_id.order_line")

invoice_id = fields.Many2many(related="sale_order_id.invoice_ids")

(I am using 'customer' for the customer/partner in the model)

And here is the error I am getting when I refresh Odoo and reload the server:

2018-11-12 16:00:11,799 26612 ERROR coding werkzeug: Error on request:

Traceback (most recent call last):

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/werkzeug/", line 205, in run_wsgi


File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/werkzeug/", line 193, in execute

application_iter = app(environ, start_response)

File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/service/", line 339, in app

return, s)

File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/service/", line 128, in application

return application_unproxied(environ, start_response)

File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/service/", line 117, in application_unproxied

result = odoo.http.root(environ, start_response)

File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/", line 1317, in __call__

return self.dispatch(environ, start_response)

File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/", line 1290, in __call__

return, start_wrapped)

File "/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/werkzeug/", line 599, in __call__

return, start_response)

File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/", line 1489, in dispatch

response = self.get_response(httprequest, result, explicit_session)

File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/", line 287, in __exit__

elif self.registry:

File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/", line 378, in registry

return odoo.registry(self.db)

File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/", line 78, in registry

return modules.registry.Registry(database_name)

File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/modules/", line 62, in __new__


File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/modules/", line 86, in new

odoo.modules.load_modules(registry._db, force_demo, status, update_module)

File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/modules/", line 422, in load_modules

force, status, report, loaded_modules, update_module, models_to_check)

File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/modules/", line 318, in load_marked_modules

perform_checks=perform_checks, models_to_check=models_to_check

File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/modules/", line 196, in load_module_graph


File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/modules/", line 267, in setup_models


File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/", line 2596, in _setup_fields


File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/", line 483, in setup_full


File "/mylocation/odoo12/odoo/", line 534, in _setup_related_full

raise TypeError("Type of related field %s is inconsistent with %s" % (self, field))

TypeError: Type of related field repaircenter.ticket.sale_order_line is inconsistent with sale.order.order_line - - -


If I comment out the sale_order_line, Odoo loads, but whenever I create a new ticket, I get the following error:

TypeError: create() missing 1 required positional argument: 'vals'

I have tried changing the customer and partner_id but didn't make a difference.

Two issues, the first is that I forgot to add the @api.model on the create method. This just goes on the line above def create...

The second is that the many2many fields need a comodel. In the many2one, the 'sale.order' you have written tells the system that that many2one is for sale orders. You need to do the same for the many2manys. Use comodel_name='sale.order.line' and comodel_name='account.invoice' in their definitions.


I am now getting this error: TypeError: create() got an unexpected keyword argument 'context'

Here is the updated code:

sale_order_line = fields.Many2many('sale.order.line')

invoices_id = fields.Many2one('account.invoice')

sale_order_id = fields.Many2one('sale.order')


def create(self):

res = super(RepairTicket, self).create(vals)

res.sale_order_id = self.env['sale.order'].create({'partner_id':})

return res

sale_order_line_id = fields.Many2many('sale.order.line')

invoice_id = fields.Many2many(related="sale_order_id.invoice_ids")

If I change the @api.model to @api.multi, I get this error instead:

NameError: name 'vals' is not defined


EDIT: I realized I as missing vals from the def create(self, vals). I added it back in and am back to this error:

TypeError: create() missing 1 required positional argument: 'vals'

Author Best Answer

After fiddling some more,  I was able to make some headway. I am able to create a new sales order whenever I create a new ticket in my custom module using the following code.

    sale_order_id = fields.Many2one('sale.order')
def create(self, vals):
res = super(RepairTicket, self).create(vals)
res.sale_order_id = self.env['sale.order'].create({'partner_id': res.partner_id, 'origin'})
return res
(Note, I had to add a new field: partner_id=fields.Integer(related="") to get the id number form my customer field. I also added in the ticket number to show as the source document in the order.)
However, I cannot get it to pull in the sale order lines. Whenever I use any of the code above for sale_order_line or sale.order.line it prevents odoo from starting when I reboot. Need to be able to edit/view sale order lines on the same screen if possible. Thanks.
