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I want to write a simple comparison expression in qweb (if age<16 then do something). But unfortunately, i can't use a smaller symbol "<".

 <t t-if="student.age < 16">
do something .......

Please help!!!

Best Answer

XML has just five special characters, all they has corresponding codes:

 &lt; (<), &amp; (&), &gt; (>), &quot; ("), and &apos; (').

you've to use &lt; xml code of <, from above list:

<t t-if="student.age &lt; 16">
do something .......


Quite strange though, I can use the normal characters without encoding them. I know its best practice to encode so but still strange that this doesn't work for thavorac.

maybe it works without encoding in some cases. I tried once to use in odoo domain statement in XML a & symbol as AND operator, it doesn't worked, then reverted back to encoded version: & amp ; and it started working. since I'm using only encoded versions of these 5 characters, to be sure...

Guess I'll always use encoding from now on then!

You may need to use &amp;lt; instead of &lt;

A similar expression for other special characters.