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Where can I set the type of a customer address? I mean... I set a flag in the settings menu of the sales module to allow each customer to have different delivery and invoice address. However I can't find the view where to customize that. I saw a screenshot somewhere and there it appeared in the same view where customers are created. I updated my modules but the field for address types did not appear. Do I need an extra module for that? I also made sure to have all rights but I can't find it.

Best Answer


in sale order Invoice Address and Delivery Address is many2one field whith res.partner.

So you choose a partner and not an address type.

innovation in openerp 7 .

In order to avoid any confusion when dealing with contacts in OpenERP, we made some changes. The former structure (partner, address, contact) was slightly complex when dealing and communicating with individuals and not with companies (B2C situations).

We kept the same features, merged the two menu items (contacts and companies) and kept the same functionalities. As a result, now when you want to add any contact details, you can specify if it's a company or an individual by using a checkbox.

The biggest change is that, for example, when creating an invoice, you can now select a company or an individual, thus better facilitating B2C business processes. Every business document has been simplified with this change as you no longer have two fields on each document (Partner & Address) but just one field: the contact, which can be a person working at a company or directly a company.

for more details you can see OpenERP 7.0 Release Notes


If you create a new customer in v7 and you do not flag the field "is_company" and enter something in the textfield for parent_id there appears a new field below called type. In that field you can customize address types like this should be an invoice, delivery, standard, contact... address.