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I am trying to load my form's many2one field when form load's with a query to populate filtered ids of product. I achieved this in my Onchange method, but i am not sure how i can do it on loading of form in many2one field.

All I want here is to return the results of the query to my product_id field which is a many2one field.?

Best Answer

Hi, you can achieve this functionality by writing the default_get orm method of openerp, this method will be called whenever a new form is opened to create.


may i use cr.exucte(query) in this method??


i tried this ` def default_get(self,cr,uid,ids,context=None): print 'new function'` but it removed all fields on my form... I can see labels only

Saghir, it is always adviseable if you inherit ORM standard method (default_get is one of them) to return what the super is returning. So, you can add super(class_name, self).default_get(cr, uid, ids, context=context) as your last line in the default_get method that you have overriden. Yes, you can execute query in that method, but why are you not using ORM method (search) instead?

default_get() is an ORM function. If you re-define it, you need to add a super() call. So, res = super(some_class, self).default_get(cr, uid, ids, context=context). Then parse out res and append your changes. The arguments in default_get() aren't quite right either. Check the technical memento, page 4, for more explanation on ORM functions: Or better yet, just look at, those main functions have more info commented into them.