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2 Replies

Good evening everybody,

I'm having some trouble with the work summary add item part, i keep getting the following error message: Conversion from Product UoM Hour(s) to Default UoM Unit(s) is not possible as they both belong to different Category!. I looked all over and can't get an answer for this. In two words: In a project in order to manage time estimation on tasks, i need to add an item in the Work summary. For this, i have an employee with HR Settings/Timesheets/Product= Consultant (Product Type= Service, Unit of Sale= Hour(s), Unit of Measure -> UOS Coeff=1, Measure Type= Fixed, Procurement Method=Make to Order & Supply Method= Manufacture) Each time i add an item for a project, when saving i keep getting the above mentioned error message. Any help would be appreciated on this. Thanks in advance for your help guys. Kind regards.

Author Best Answer

Hi guys,

After some changes i found the solution. Here what i've done to make it work:

  1. Activate the following: Settings/Warehouse/Location & Warehouse/Manage different units of measure for products
  2. Deleted the Consultant product
  3. Create a new Consultant product (Unit of Measure on Information tab = Hour(s) & Purchase Unit of Measure on Procurements tab = Hour(s))

Et Voilà...

Hope it'll help someone.

Best Answer

Checks in the form view of the company configuration tab if time unit of the project is hour. if it is really set in hour then try to clear the field unit of sale and retry.


Hello Benos and thanks for your answer. Unfortunately, it didn't change a thing. The project time unit in Company is "Hour(s)" and even when deleting the UOF in the product won't do... Any other ideas?