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Hi all, at the moment i am testing OERP and trying out to customize OERP for my little cleaning company.

The default process of invoicing services to our customers is based on a month. Every month i wrote invoices to my customers and write in every position the start and end date of given service. The invoice position represents a building which i have cleaned. Then i insert how many hours in this period (start - end) i have worked (as a total monthly hours).

So is it possible to add individual products in OPER e.g. a service without to create product first? Product name.: Building cleaning, Adress of building (Start date - end date)
Unit: Hours Quanity: Hours worked Unit/Price: Price for one hour of work VAT: VAT Posision total: (Quanity * Unit/price) + VAT of them

I try to add some service products, but cant insert any date information of building or service period...



This will require technical modifications, I don't think this exists in OpenERP by default.


hm, this is realy strange to hear that openerp 7 ready to use for service companys, because in my opinion, openerp 7 looks very powerful and nice. But do i realy cant insert any free text in the invoice or order position? so i always have to use a existing product?

You can simply create one service article called Cleaning for example, and then write all the information you want to write in the "Description" field in the invoice, that's what will be printed in the report, you can reuse this article every time you need to.


sounds nice! where can i finde the "description" field in the invoice form? i just see the product and booking text in the positions area or do you mean the "description" for addition information on the page bottom?

It's the second field, right next to the product field.


cool, it works! thank you karim! is the best way to create invoices? finance => outgoing invoices => create?

No problem, you probably don't need to create a sale order before invoicing, so in your case, it should be enough.